Season 1, Episode 72

Living Through An Executive Mask


Kerin Eilis Executive Life Coach



 5 sneaky ways your confidence is leaking & what to do about it.


GF, let’s talk for a minute…


Are you a smart, ambitious and highly efficient woman who get’s IT done? Yet, you are often left feeling like it’s not good enough?


If you want to feel good in your body, fulfilled with your work and lit up by your relationships, so you can go to bed feeling truly fulfilled, then it has to start with YOU.



In this episode Melissa Krechler and Kerin Briscese discuss the struggle of living through an executive mask.  Our work or business personas tend to overshadow our true identity, needs and behaviours which leads to a loss of power, unhappiness and struggle.

Melissa Krechler
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Melissa Krechler

Talk Show Host, Identity Coach, Spiritual Teacher

Melissa Krechler is a Multipassionate Entrepreneur.  Her main focus in all her businesses is empowering others to remove what no longer brings them joy, reclaim their identity and take control of their life and start living it, their way for themselves.

Melissa lives in Canada with her husband of 13 years, 4 children aged 7-19, her rottweiler and clutter of cats.  She is fond of the crazy cat lady title!

If you would like to connect with Melissa you can do so through the following avenues.

Identity Coaching Website: 

Spiritual Teaching/Reading Website:

Kerin Briscese
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Kerin Briscese

Kerin Briscese is an Executive Life Coach for high-achieveing professional men & women.


With her signature coaching and membership programs, Kerin is helping people get what they want in their body, self-confidence, health, and relationships by learning to trust their intuition.

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Melissa Krechler
Kerin Briscese
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