Season 1, Episode 76

Surviving Sexual Assault


Crissie Ann Leonard

Meet Wiletta, The Letter Finder.  Her busy lifestyle drew her away from God. Will  the letters draw her back to Him?


Meet Faith, Private Investigator and Wiletta’s best friend. Will she answer Wiletta’s pleas to find Joseph, a boy missing his Mom and needing a friend? Cristina, a Daddy’s Girl struggling with abandonment? Katerina, caught deep in the pain and despair of miscarriage? Zachary, eating his way through pain only to become a food addict? Adam, who loves images of women more than his wife?


What happens when a letter you wrote, in a time you want to forget, appears on your doorstep, in the hands of two strangers?


Buy a signed copy of Letters To My Father, using the coupon code LIVETV for $3 off!



In this episode Melissa Krechler and Crissie Ann Leonard discuss the struggles, trauma and fear when you survive an attack. 

Melissa Krechler
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Melissa Krechler

Talk Show Host, Identity Coach, Spiritual Teacher

Melissa Krechler is a Multipassionate Entrepreneur.  Her main focus in all her businesses is empowering others to remove what no longer brings them joy, reclaim their identity and take control of their life and start living it, their way for themselves.

Melissa lives in Canada with her husband of 13 years, 4 children aged 7-19, her rottweiler and clutter of cats.  She is fond of the crazy cat lady title!

If you would like to connect with Melissa you can do so through the following avenues.

Identity Coaching Website: 

Spiritual Teaching/Reading Website:

Crissie Ann Leonard
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Crissie Ann Leonard

Crissie Ann Leonard is an author who has loved literature since she could read. Building on that love and personal experiences, her writing focuses on life, faith, growth, and healing.


She has been a lifelong writer and first began with short stories and poetry, only to be sidetracked by life—joy and sorrow, love and loss. When God’s purpose rose to meet her pain, her journey began.


Crissie is the author of Letters to My Father and Color My Feelings Scripture Coloring Book. She is the coauthor of Daily Dose of Direction for Women in Business Vol II.


She is a writing coach/mentor, a founder of It’s the Write Time Author Group, an Amazon best selling author and Ohioana Book Festival participant. SARN Take Back the Night speaker.


Crissie owns YMP (You’re My Person) Creations Jewelry which won a film festival award for their commercial.


Crissie lives in Ohio with her family.

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Crissie Ann Leonard
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