Season 1, Episode 36

Occupational Burnout


A Phoenix Identity

Set fire to what no longer serves you, reclaim your identity and take control of your life.  Reborn out of the fire! Be Your Own Light.



In this episode Melissa Krechler and Jamay Fisher discuss occupational burnout for professionals in all areas.  How to see the symptoms, the warning signs and how to put yourself first to stop it from happening to you.

Melissa Krechler
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Melissa Krechler

Talk Show Host, Identity Coach, Spiritual Teacher

Melissa Krechler is a Multipassionate Entrepreneur.  Her main focus in all her businesses is empowering others to remove what no longer brings them joy, reclaim their identity and take control of their life and start living it, their way for themselves.

Melissa lives in Canada with her husband of 13 years, 4 children aged 7-19, her rottweiler and clutter of cats.  She is fond of the crazy cat lady title!

If you would like to connect with Melissa you can do so through the following avenues.

Identity Coaching Website: 

Spiritual Teaching/Reading Website:

Jamay Fisher P.H.D.
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Jamay Fisher P.H.D.

I am a Master Coach who helps people grow their impact via sales and PR. I started my journey as a telemarketer selling vacations to everything from wine and staffing successful public relations campaigns for politicians’ re-elections in Washington D.C. and across the US. I’m a thought leader in sales and PR.

However, I came to gain notoriety concerning occupational burnout when I experienced it myself while writing my dissertation on coaches’ burnout. Although I grew up experiencing urban childhood homelessness and living in government apartment housing, my dissertation was a pivotal point for me. At this point, I realized my burnout and my emotional health, but years went by before I figured out how to heal. For over a decade, I was used to helping other high-performers with their burnout, but it wasn’t until I began to use coaching skills on myself that my life changed. 

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